Wednesday, June 10, 2015

City GOP Convention

The GOP met earlier this evening.  They nominated Ron Polacco for Mayor.  Scott DiMicco was nominated for Alderman-at-Large though he was not in attendance.

Debbie Brown was nominated for ward 9 and Joe Corcoran was nominated for Ward 6.

They had one more candidate.  In Ward 1, they nominated a person named Sean.  I do not have his last name or any information about him.  However, in the interest of fairness, once I get that information, I will post it.

The races for Alderman were left blank in wards 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, and 8.  Basically, the Republicans not only conceded the majority, they conceded a 2/3 majority of the council.

Based on convention results, I think I justified in considering the City Conservative Committee to have taken the 2nd slot from the GOP.  The Democrats still remain in the #1 slot, though they are in full civil war.


Anonymous said...

City Reps are the same as the County Reps in total chaos

Anonymous said...

Ron Polacco. Did he crawl out from the rock he's been hiding under for the last 4 years? GOP party is a mess if that is the best they could do.

Richard T. Cahill Jr. said...


Do not underestimate Ron Polacco. He lost last time 3439 to 1996 votes with me taking votes from him on the Conservative Party line. That's a difference of 1,443.

Let's say he wins the Conservative Primary and Gallo wins the Democrat Primary. Further, let's say hypothetically that Noble gets 3 lines (Green, WFP, and Ind.)

Adding the Conservative line to Ron's total gives him 2,565 putting him 874 votes off the lead. Assuming that a 3rd party run by Noble pulls 874 votes, suddenly Ron could take the lead.

Under this scenario, Ron could get 42% of the vote and win.

Since I believe that civil war among Democrats could result in a third party run from either candidate if they lose, Ron Polacco is in striking distance.

Conclusion: Do not underestimate Ron Polacco.