Thursday, June 23, 2011

Sidewalk Proposal Needs Work

Recently, the First Ward Alderman offered a proposal to give a tax break to people who, after neglecting their sidewalk and failing to maintain it, finally fixes it. Those people who have always maintained their sidewalk get nothing.

I think the proposal improperly rewards those who have neglected their property for substantial periods of time. It provides no reward for those who have always done the right thing.

However, the problem cited does need attention. There are numerous sidewalks which are extremely dangerous and need to be maintained. Unfortunately, the proposal does not get the job done. I am not going to simply criticize without presenting a solution. Therefore, I have a counter proposal to offer.

The law currently allows the city to issue a citation to people who do not maintain their sidewalk. That law should be enforced. However, a portion of the law needs to be amended. Many sidewalks have been damaged by the roots of trees that the city planted without the permission or consent of the property owners. It seems to me that if the city plants a tree and the roots dislodge the sidewalk, then the city has caused damage to private property and should be liable. Current law leaves the property owner liable. This should be changed.

Second, there are state and federal grants available to repair sidewalks. These should be aggressively sought after.


Anonymous said...

rich sounds like another issue that the city will absolve themselves like they tried with the wilbur ave sewer pipe would be abvious to a lay person if someone does something even if in attempt to beautifie something causes damage in the process they should be LIBLE.some how there should have been a insurance amendment such as comprehensive coverage to cover such things that would be unexpected or an act of god.but to put the blame at the doorstep at the property owners door all the time isnt fair or equitable,especially if the home owner is forced to sue the city like in the wilbur ave case

Anonymous said...

Hey Rich, Why is it you can not be on the radio on tuesdays, yet Mr teetsel is on the radio. He is running for alderman so he should not be on. He is on tuesdays and thursdays and that is even worse.

Richard T. Cahill Jr. said...


There are 2 reasons why Al is on and I am off. First, Al has no primary opponent. He will likely go off the air 30 days before the November election.

Second, Al's opponent did not file repeated complaints. In my case Andi Turco-Levin called and complained repeatedly. Rather than cause a problem for KCR, I agreed to step aside in return for a 30 minute slot once per month.

Anonymous said...

Thank You.

Anonymous said...

Do belittle yourself to argue with the idiots on the freeman...
You made your case, now stay focused on the real issues, not the sidewalks.
Business taxes
Union and employees
Thats what the mayor needs to focus on right now
Anthing else is granstanding for airtime.


Anonymous said...

When the owner bought the property he assumed the maintenance liability of the sidewalks. Unless he is an original owner and I doubt that there are any,the trees you refer to were there. We all pay enough taxes and the owner must asume his responsibilities. concerning the use of grants, forget it. That's also our tax money. Why do you not enforce the maintenance law. My 80 year old wife tripped and hurt herself on an upheaved sidewalk. Mr anonymous who supports suing the city must be a lawyer who wants to make a lot of money at the taxpayers expense.

Anonymous said...

Teetsel should have a gag order as well. Who wants to hear him twice a week. He should go into permanent retirement. Too bad Turco-Levin got her way. She's a spoiled brat who does not play well in the sandbox. Pull the plug on all candidates then and call it quits.

Anonymous said...

If the Dodgers can file bankruptcy why not Kingston?

Anonymous said...

Kingston does NOT need this ugly Bluestone with its irregularities in sidewalks--make them all concrete and yes, pursue all the grants.